On the Structure of Commutative Rings with ${\bf {p_1}^{k_1}\cdots {p_n}^{k_n} Zero-Divisors


  • Mahmood Behboodi
  • R. Beyranvand


Finite ring, Zero-divisor, Local rings


Let $R$ be a finite commutative ring  with identity and $Z(R)$ denote the set of all zero-divisors of  $R$.  Note that  $R$  is uniquely expressible as a direct sum of local rings $R_i$ ($1\leq i\leq m$) for some $m\geq 1$. In this paper, we investigate the relationship between the prime factorizations $|Z(R)|={p_1}^{k_1}\cdots {p_n}^{k_n}$ and the summands $R_i$. It is shown that for each $i$, $|Z(R_i)|={p_j}^{t_j}$ for some $1\leq j\leq n$ and $0\leq t_j\leq k_j$.  In particular, rings $R$ with $|Z(R)|=p^k$ where $1\leq k\leq 7$, are characterized. Moreover, the structure and classification up to isomorphism of all
commutative rings $R$ with $|Z(R)|={p_1}^{k_1}\ldots {p_n}^{k_n}$,
where $n\in \Bbb{N}$, $p_i^,s$ are distinct prime numbers, $1\leq k_i\leq 3$ and nonlocal commutative rings $R$ with $|Z(R)|=p^k$ where  $ k=4$ or $5$, are determined.




How to Cite

On the Structure of Commutative Rings with ${\bf {p_1}^{k_1}\cdots {p_n}^{k_n} Zero-Divisors. (2010). European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 3(2), 303-316. https://www.ejpam.com/index.php/ejpam/article/view/628